Appell für EU-Asylsystem
Migration & Asyl

Appell für EU-Asylsystem

Sich nur auf die direkten Folgen der Corona-Krise zu konzentrieren, wird nicht genug sein, um Europa weiterzubringen.

Wir brauchen ein gemeinsames faires und modernes Asylsystem, sonst steht uns die nächste Krise bevor.

In 6 Wochen beginnt die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft, dieser Punkt gehört ganz nach oben auf der To Do-Liste. In einem offenen Brief habe ich die Bundesregierung gemeinsam mit vielen Kollegen von Renew Europe zum Handeln aufgefordert:

Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the EU as we knew it has changed. Our economy is severely weakened, our borders are closed and societal expectations are changing. Many lives have been lost. In light of these new challenges, the German Presidency will have to adapt its programme to address shifting political priorities. Solving the public health crisis, bringing along economic recovery for Europe and convincing the citizens of Europe that European unity is worth the effort will be at the top of the agenda. However, focusing only on the direct consequences of the Corona crisis will not be enough to bring Europe forward.

Agreeing on common European asylum and migration policies remains one of the most pressing issues to be addressed by the German Presidency. The absence of a well- functioning migration and asylum system across Europe has cost the lives of many migrants, brought extremist parties to power across Member States and threatened the unity of our continent. The camps on the Aegean Islands remain insalubrious and overcrowded, authorities in countries at our external borders overwhelmed and let down, and migrants continue risking and losing their lives on their journey to Europe. In a Europe weakened by the Corona crisis, malfunctioning asylum and migration policies risks exacerbating existing tensions even further.

In the wake of the European Commission’s Pact on Asylum and Migration, there is a chance to start afresh and find common solutions. The ongoing relocation of unaccompanied minors from the Aegean Islands to other Member States and investments in better reception facilities show that the political will exists. An asylum policy that works, an international perspective on migration, a sustainable return and readmission policy, a well-managed external border - at land and sea, a coordinated European labour migration policy and a sustainable approach to integration will be important elements of a common policy. Particular attention should be paid to creating more legal pathways to Europe. In times of crisis, talent is needed.

I therefore urge the German Presidency and the Council to put the reform of the European asylum and migration policies at the top of the political agenda for the months to come. The Parliament is ready to be a solid partner in delivering on it.

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